Monday, October 11, 2010

Making Himalayan Sole

Everyone knows that salt dissolves in water, but what happens when you keep adding salt? You’ll reach the point to where the water becomes saturated, creating a perfect saline solution, often known as Himalayan Sole. When the water becomes saturated, there should be salt sitting on the bottom of your jar, no longer dissolving. This simple method allows you to create the HimalaSalt Himalayan Sole that alkalinizes, hydrates, purifies and cleanses your digestive system. It can also be used for washing skin rashes, cleansing wounds, gargling, and endless purifying uses.

Step 1: Place 1 inch of HimalaSalt Crystal stones in a jar, preferably one with a lid, or begin with our pre-packed jar of Stones. Add high quality spring water, continuing adding until water reaches 2 to 3 inches over salt crystals – completely cover and let sit overnight.

Step 2: If all the salt crystals have dissolved, add a few more salt crystals to the water. Your HimalaSalt Sole is ready when the water becomes fully saturated with salt and contains salt sitting on the bottom of the jar. It’s a complete saturation when salt will no longer dissolve.
There should always be salt crystals in the jar. As you use up the HimalaSalt Sole solution, after some time, add more water and salt until it is again saturated. Remember, there should always be undissolved salt crystals on the bottom of the jar. This is your visual proof that the water is totally saturated with salt.

Step 3: Each morning, before eating or drinking, add one teaspoon of the HimalaSalt Sole to a glass of pure spring water and drink. Your body will receive the benefits of hydration, detoxification, alkalanization, and purifying the intestines. Keep the container covered to prevent the water from evaporating. Otherwise, no special storage is needed.
The fully saturated HimalaSalt Sole will keep forever! Salt is a natural anti-bacterial and natural fungicide. It simply cannot spoil or go bad. 1.6 lbs
HimalaSalt Himalayan Crystal Chunks in our gift box helps you give the gift of health, wellbeing and beauty.  1.6 lbs of pure Himalayan salt, ethically sourced, artisan produced, and made by 100% Green-e Certified Wind Power.  For a larger resealable size, please see our 2 lb bag of chunks.

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